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Khomas community gets agricultural boosts from Govt


The Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Forestry has handed over 420 goats to 20 vulnerable farmers in the Khomas Rural constituency.

The donation to vulnerable communities in Khomas is meant to generate income and ensure food security.

The Arovlei community was given the animals to breed and to later return to the government for other communities to benefit.

According to a statement released by the ministry last week, the goats were donated under the Small Stock Development and Distribution to Communal Areas (SSDDCAs) programme.

This is a capital project initiated by the ministry and is being rolled out to communal areas in all 14 regions.

Beneficiaries each received 20 does and one buck, and are given up to five years to return the initial stock, which will then be handed over to other community members to follow suit.

Beneficiaries will be closely monitored, and fencing materials and training in small stock husbandry will be provided, the ministry said.

An agreement will be signed between the ministry and beneficiaries to ensure goats are used for the intended purpose.

Speaking at the handover, Eugene Simwanza, a chief agricultural technician in the ministry said: “The project is aimed at providing a quality core breeding herd of suitable goats to selected vulnerable households.”

He said the herd will provide sustainable income generation and enhanced food and nutrition security while improving the socio-economic well-being of targeted beneficiaries.

The involved vulnerable beneficiaries were severely affected by drought, pests and the outbreak of disease.

The project will also strive to create resilience to climate change.

Franklin Chilinda, acting director of planning under the Khomas Regional Council said the programme is not new in the Khomas region.

He could, however, not reveal the progress or success thereof yet.

“This time we want to do it better by closely monitoring through established structures,” he said.

The Kavango West, Oshana and Kunene regions were the first to benefit from the project between 2015 and 2016.