Home Africa Fertilizer experts meet to map way forward

Fertilizer experts meet to map way forward


Three hundred stakeholders are set to gather in Mozambique to discuss the technical and commercial challenges facing the fertilizer and agribusiness industries in east and southern Africa.

Participants from 28 different countries will join senior government figures and leading industry executives in a three-day conference hosted by OCP Africa.

Organised by CRU a leading, independent, global fertilizers analysis and consultancy, together with African Fertilizer Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP) has attracted 40 speakers from across the fertilizer agribusiness supply chain.

Some of the speakers will be drawn from Mozambique’s leading institutions, such as the country’s Ministry of Trade and Investment, the Association for Fertilizers (AMOFERT), the Confederation of Economic Associations (CTA) and the Agency for Investment and Export Promotion (APIEX).

The leaders of fertilizer production and trade from across the region will also be participating in discussions – OCP Africa, ICL, Indorama, ETG, Farmers World and Chemplex.

Representatives of the development and investment community such as the African Development Bank, AGRA, One Acre Fund and the Alliance for Commodity Trade in East and Southern Africa (ACTESA) will also be present.

“With sessions on critical issues such as how the cost of fertilizer for the regions farmers, how supply chains of agricultural inputs can be improved and how local government and international suppliers of fertilizer can work in partnership to build strong agribusiness, the event will be invaluable” said Nicola Coslett, CEO of CRU Events.

The East and Southern Africa Agribusiness Conference will be held on 9-11 October 2017.