Home Africa ICAR accolades international certification to ARC

ICAR accolades international certification to ARC


The International Committee on Animal Recording (ICAR) has awarded Agriculture Research Council (ARC) with a renewed certificate of quality following an audit conducted.

Juho Kyntaja, a technical auditor from ICAR proceeded with undertakings at the ARC Animal Production Campus between 11th March and 15th March and applauded ARC for meeting the international standards required.

The certificate of quality accorded is another milestone for the ARC to assist emerging livestock farmers in adopting and applying the available beef recording and improvement technology to increase the productivity and profitability of their herds through improved management practices and accurate selection for economically important traits.

ICAR is an international and non-government body established to set guidelines and quality assurance for farm and animal recording and improvement practices. This organization aims to promote the development and improvement of identification, performance recording and evaluation of farm livestock.

Meanwhile, after every five years, the accredited members are audited to ensure there is continual adherence to certification standards.

South African livestock farmers equally partake in the animal recording and improvement schemes with the aim of recording animal properties of economic importance.

The information derived is to enhance the productivity of their herds and flocks hence, easily accessible by farmers and other interest groups.