Home Business US Food Safety and Inspection Services audits Namibia

US Food Safety and Inspection Services audits Namibia


Namibia through the Directorate of Veterinary Services (DVS), underwent a public health and assurance audit by the United States of America via Food Safety and Inspection Services from 23 to 27 September.

The audit ensures that Namibia complies with all the import requirements of the US beef market and based on the final audit report Namibia will be granted excess to continue exporting to the US.

As a food business operator, Meatco was audited at plant level. The auditor conducted a walk through the plant on 24 September at 06:00, whereby a thorough assessment of how the plant is prepared by the DVS health inspectors for start-up was carried out. In addition to this, the auditor reviewed the plant’s food safety plan, with no findings observed regarding the plan in place.

Meatco’s Quality Assurance Manager, Marchella Somaes, said the final audit report will be shared with the DVS Namibia and they will communicate the findings with Meatco for the implementation of corrective actions, if there are any.

“Meatco through Namibia was granted access to the American market in 2016 and the approval of the labelling was done at the beginning of January this year. We are, therefore, excited about this additional market milestone as we look forward to fruitful trade relations,” Somaes said.

Meanwhile, Meatco intends to market boneless raw beef products such as primal cuts, chuck-and-blade and beef trimming.