A special exhibition to say thank you for the good harvest and to promote agro-processing in the Kavango East region is scheduled to take place next week in Rundu on Friday 08 and Saturday 09 September.
Called the “Food Namibia ConfEx”, the event will officially close Operation Werengedje focussing on future strategies to promote agriculture, food production and food security.
This public private partnership is organised by the Office of the Governor of the Kavango East Region in collaboration with Food Namibia and will incorporate an exhibition and workshop sessions under the theme “Food security for a healthy nation”.
The two-day event will be hosted at the Kavango Community Convention Centre in Rundu and is open to the general public.
Food Namibia is a networking and exhibition platform for farmers, retailers, distributors and food producers. Food Namibia ConfEx’s organisers said the event is intended as a showcase for commercial entities and as two days of entertainment for the general public.
“The exhibition will provide a unique business-to-business platform to showcase products and services in the local agriculture and food production industries. The workshop sessions, which will take place on the 8th of September, will offer public and private sector role players the opportunity to interact with each other, share their vision and discuss key issues concerning the future of food and agriculture industries in the country. Some of the topics will focus on Namibia’s poultry industry, access to agri-finance and tourism.”
On the second day the emphasis will be on the success of Operation Werengendje. Literally translated it means “Operation Termite”, which relates to termites working hard to gather their food before the winter.
When the rainy season started late last year the office of the Kavango East Governor initiated and launched this food production operation and empowered people to plough their fields by providing them with ploughing services and seeds, and later assisting them with the harvest.
The Governor, Dr Samuel Mbambo noted that poverty eradication means the creation of wealth. The first step to wealth creation is food production. As a region blessed with a perennial river and fertile soil the Kavango East region under the guidance of the Governor decided to get involved in the war against hunger through food production.
Food Namibia is a partnership between event management company Conference Link and Vitumbo Investments cc.