Home Africa AGRF puts spotlight on food systems transformation

AGRF puts spotlight on food systems transformation


Kenya will host the AGRF 2021 Summit, the world’s premier forum for African agriculture, this year.

According to the organisers, this year’s jamboree will focus on the bold actions needed for agriculture to fuel the continent’s recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and continued food systems transformation.

Hailemariam Dessalegn, the former Ethiopia Prime Minister and AGRF Board Chair, applauded the Kenyan Government for making agriculture a priority, despite the COVID-19 pandemic.

“It’s inspiring to see the progress Kenya has made in agriculture, this is the kind of visionary leadership that the continent needs to end hunger and malnutrition and for our continent’s shared prosperity,” Dessalegn said.

Meanwhile President Kenyatta has welcomed the forum and affirmed his government’s commitment to strengthening agriculture and boosting Kenya’s food security.

He said the forum would showcase the country’s agricultural leadership on the continent, and forge closer partnerships with the private sector.

The President also urged the AGRF partners group and other stakeholder to increase investments to strengthen smallholder farmer resilience, support the development of often neglected value chains like millet that are profitable and nutritious crops, and invest in youth in agriculture.

The AGRF is the world’s premier forum for African agriculture, bringing together stakeholders in the agricultural landscape to take practical actions and share lessons that will move African agriculture forward.

Jennifer Baarn, acting Managing Director, AGRF, said that the 2021 Summit is taking place at a defining moment for the continent.

“This year’s AGRF takes place when the global voices converge around food systems. It is also the time when the world’s focus turns to the economic and social recovery from the COVD-19 pandemic. We have learned a lot in the past 18 months, there are a lot of opportunities to accelerate and catalyse agricultural transformation,” Baarn said.

She added that the 2021 Summit will provide a platform to highlight and unlock many of the political, policy, and financial commitments and innovations needed to get back on track to targets outlined in the Malabo Declaration and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Slated to take place in September, the Summit is expected to host over 10,000 delegates virtually with a scaled-down physical.